Good morning....I’m taking a breather from my excitement of the World Cup, as the United States Team prepares to play a crucial match later this morning against Algeria, in their quest to advance into the next stage of the tournament, so I could continue to comment, on the issue of our United States Senate and their doggedness, to put obstacles in the way of temporarily resolving the unemployment extensions. I just can’t let this issue go.....because I believe it’s more important than oil spills, drilling and even World Cups......and I hope the issue at hand will attach to each dissenting Senator.... like a pit bull around their ankles. Did I read right?..that now they are considering Drug Testing as part of the bill? that they also believe that these 20-30 million unemployed lazy fucks are drug addicts to?
Gee..... I wonder what we would find if we drug tested the Senate and the House of Representatives? These underlying beliefs... that they are better and smarter than the rest is becoming more obvious everyday....I wrote a piece a couple of months ago...and it seems more relevant today.... than it did when I wrote it....rayray
Ego and the Solar System
Some 2,300 years ago.... a Greek philosopher/ Scholar, named Aristarchus... theorized that... the Sun was actually at the center of the Solar system.... His theory was called Heliocentrism...from the Greek... Helios... or Sun and....
While this seems so obvious to us now... and is what we and our children have learned in school, as a proven fact of nature.... this truth now, was only a theory then... and it took nearly 2000 years for it to be proven mathematically and to be accepted... Copernicus, Keppler and Galileo helped provide this proof....
But...During those 2000 between... it was believed and widely accepted as truth..... That the Earth was the center of the Solar system... this was known as Geocentrism... again...from the Greek..Geo...for...Earth
So.... for 2,000 years...we firmly believed that the Solar System revolved around us... on Earth. We built personal belief and religions structures which supported this... and we built systems to explain how things worked. But in my view, the largest consequence of all of this... was to foster a belief.. just how special we must be, as earthlings... to be at the center of it all.
As I look at the word, Geocentric, the GEO...pops out at me as EGO....This is very interesting to me.. I see this word... as Egocentric... ego...for self... or self center.
So... just as societies took a geocentric view....that the earth was at the center of the Solar System... by extension on a personal level.. I believe we developed an egocentric view... where we also believe that we are at the center of our own universe...
The egocentric view...sees the self as... so self important.... that the world revolves around them...that their life is somehow so much more special than anyone else’s...that others just don’t know better...and....that they are smarter than the rest... and that the world is there to serve them..
This is a serious flaw in the human character and is built on the same misinformed theory that persisted for 2,000 years that the earth was at the center of the Solar system.
Just as we adopted a world view... which was later proven to be erroneous...self-centeredness is equally erroneous...
Will it take us another 2000 years to realize that egocentrism is equally flawed? can dissect this same philosophy and apply it at any level you wish.....Ego-racism, Ego-statehood, Ego-country, ego-religion, ego-political party. It’s all the same......
Whenever we have a belief that places ourselves at the center of any choose.... and on any level, we are fighting nature and missing the essence of life....that we are all equal....and represent only a small piece of a very large puzzle...
I don’t say this.... to demean or minimize the awesomeness of the individual, because I do believe that we as individuals are immeasurably important...and it is our life to live... and it’s all we have...
However, when we are able to look ourselves in the mirror and see ourselves in the proper perspective within our own solar system.... we should tip our hat to Aristarchus, letting him know...that the 2000 year wait... for enlightenment was not in vain
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